Corporate Training


    • Who We Help:

Skillability is dedicated to empowering businesses through expert training on Microsoft Dynamics 365. We partner with organizations of all sizes who are invested in optimizing their operations with this powerful ERP solution.

Are you a Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner or client?

  • Partners: We equip your consultants with the in-depth knowledge and skills needed to deliver exceptional service to your Dynamics 365 clients.
  • Clients: We empower your teams to leverage the full potential of Dynamics 365, maximizing efficiency and achieving your business goals.

Regardless of your role in the Dynamics 365 ecosystem, Skillability is here to help you unlock its full potential.

  • Benefits of Training Your Employees with Skillability:

Investing in Microsoft D365 training for your staff delivers a multitude of advantages, including:

Increased Efficiency: Productivity and job completion times are significantly increased by simplified processes and optimized features.

Enhanced Decision-Making: Data-driven insights from D365 empower employees to make informed decisions based on real-time information.

Improved Collaboration: Integrated D365 features promote departmental coordination and effortless interaction.

Reduced Costs: Your business can save costs by implementing enhanced resource management and simplified operations.

Employee Satisfaction: Upskilling your staff boosts confidence and technical proficiency, which in turn raises employee engagement and satisfaction.

Industry-Experienced Instructors: Our team of trainers possesses extensive real-world experience within their respective fields, ensuring practical and relevant learning experiences.

Hands-on Training: We go beyond theory with our hands-on training approach. Each trainee receives access to a dedicated virtual machine throughout the course, allowing them to practice and apply their newfound skills in a simulated environment.

  • Customized and Standard Training Options

We understand that every organization has unique needs.  Skillability provides both customized and standard Microsoft D365 training solutions:

1.3.1 Customized Training: Tailored Learning with the ADDIE Model

Our Learning and Development (L&D) department plays a crucial role in crafting customized training programs using the ADDIE Model, a proven instructional design framework. Here’s how the ADDIE Model works, with the specific involvement of our L&D team:

  • Analysis: L&D collaborates closely with you to understand your company’s specific training needs, target audience, and desired learning outcomes. This involves conducting interviews, needs assessments, and gap analyses to identify the exact knowledge and skills required for your employees.
  • Design: Leveraging the insights from the analysis phase, our L&D team designs a customized curriculum aligned with the ADDIE framework. This includes selecting appropriate training methods (e.g., instructor-led, eLearning), developing engaging content tailored to your audience, and outlining the overall learning experience.
  • Development: Our L&D team works with subject matter experts and instructional designers to create high-quality training materials, including instructor manuals, presentations, interactive exercises, hands-on labs within the virtual machines, and assessments that effectively measure learning outcomes.
  • Implementation: Skilled instructors, carefully chosen by our L&D team based on their expertise and experience, deliver the customized training program, ensuring effective knowledge transfer and addressing any questions or challenges participants may encounter.
  • Evaluation: The L&D team doesn’t stop after the training delivery. They conduct a comprehensive evaluation process using surveys, feedback forms, and post-training performance assessments to measure the effectiveness of the training and identify areas for continuous improvement.

1.3.2 Standard Training: For those seeking a more structured approach, we offer a comprehensive library of standard Microsoft D365 training courses covering various modules and functionalities.

Who We Help:

Skillability is dedicated to empowering businesses through expert training on Microsoft Dynamics 365. We partner with organizations of all sizes who are invested in optimizing their operations with this powerful ERP solution.

Are you a Microsoft Dynamics 365 partner or client?

  • Partners: We equip your consultants with the in-depth knowledge and skills needed to deliver exceptional service to your Dynamics 365 clients.
  • Clients: We empower your teams to leverage the full potential of Dynamics 365, maximizing efficiency and achieving your business goals.

Benefits of Training Your Employees with Skillability:

Investing in Microsoft D365 training for your staff delivers a multitude of advantages, including:

Increased Efficiency: Productivity and job completion times are significantly increased by simplified processes and optimized features.

Enhanced Decision-Making: Data-driven insights from D365 empower employees to make informed decisions based on real-time information.

Improved Collaboration: Integrated D365 features promote departmental coordination and effortless interaction.

Reduced Costs: Your business can save costs by implementing enhanced resource management and simplified operations.

Employee Satisfaction: Upskilling your staff boosts confidence and technical proficiency, which in turn raises employee engagement and satisfaction.

Industry-Experienced Instructors: Our team of trainers possesses extensive real-world experience within their respective fields, ensuring practical and relevant learning experiences.

Hands-on Training: We go beyond theory with our hands-on training approach. Each trainee receives access to a dedicated virtual machine throughout the course, allowing them to practice and apply their newfound skills in a simulated environment.

  • Customized and Standard Training Options

We understand that every organization has unique needs.  Skillability provides both customized and standard Microsoft D365 training solutions:

1.3.1 Customized Training: Tailored Learning with the ADDIE Model

Our Learning and Development (L&D) department plays a crucial role in crafting customized training programs using the ADDIE Model, a proven instructional design framework. Here’s how the ADDIE Model works, with the specific involvement of our L&D team:

  • Analysis: L&D collaborates closely with you to understand your company’s specific training needs, target audience, and desired learning outcomes. This involves conducting interviews, needs assessments, and gap analyses to identify the exact knowledge and skills required for your employees.
  • Design: Leveraging the insights from the analysis phase, our L&D team designs a customized curriculum aligned with the ADDIE framework. This includes selecting appropriate training methods (e.g., instructor-led, eLearning), developing engaging content tailored to your audience, and outlining the overall learning experience.
  • Development: Our L&D team works with subject matter experts and instructional designers to create high-quality training materials, including instructor manuals, presentations, interactive exercises, hands-on labs within the virtual machines, and assessments that effectively measure learning outcomes.
  • Implementation: Skilled instructors, carefully chosen by our L&D team based on their expertise and experience, deliver the customized training program, ensuring effective knowledge transfer and addressing any questions or challenges participants may encounter.
  • Evaluation: The L&D team doesn’t stop after the training delivery. They conduct a comprehensive evaluation process using surveys, feedback forms, and post-training performance assessments to measure the effectiveness of the training and identify areas for continuous improvement.

1.3.2 Standard Training: For those seeking a more structured approach, we offer a comprehensive library of standard Microsoft D365 training courses covering various modules and functionalities.